Tuesday 16 August 2011

Welcome to your weekly update for Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project

Moss Patterson with students at Tangaroa College
Photo: Rimon
Sacre is a collaboration between the education, community and professional arts sectors, featuring more than 150 young dancers from across Auckland. For the last few months the dancers have been involved in workshops with three of New Zealand’s leading choreographers: Ann Dewey, Moss Patterson and Tai Royal.
In September this impressive trio will be joined by international choreographer and artistic director of Sacre, Royston Maldoom.
All this hard work comes to a head at Auckland’s Aotea Centre on 14 October, with a performance of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, performed live with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra under its music director, Eckehard Stier.
For more information, visit the APO.

What’s Been Happening

• On 5 August, the kids of New Lynn primary school welcomed trumpeter Nick Hall, APO Education Manager Lee Martelli and Fraser Bruce of Living Rhythm for a music workshop. The idea of these workshops is to get the young dancers used to the complex sounds and rhythms of The Rite of Spring. The workshop was captured on camera by the APO’s photographer of choice, Adrian Malloch, who was there on special assignment for a top secret project.

• Adrian also visited Tangaroa College, where students have been in full swing recently with two dance workshops led by choreographer Moss Patterson. Whereas the workshops at New Lynn were focused on getting the children used to the music, the aim of Tangaroa ones was to introduce the participants to contemporary dance.
In the second workshop on 15 August, Moss shared valuable insights into his choreography, which is inspired by kowhaiwhai designs.

Moss was joined at both sessions by yet another Adrian – Adrian Evans from the Manukau Courier, who brought his own photographer along. Adrian interviewed Moss and some of the young people, and we look forward to reading his resulting story.

• We asked year 5 and 6 students at Hay Park School and New Lynn School how they were enjoying themselves and what they were looking forward to most. The general consensus was the excitement about performing with a live orchestra. “The feeling of dancing to the APO and the tension that will be felt as we dance,” said one dancer.

Sacre’s Kick-Off
Sacre is staged in association with the REAL Festival for Rugby World Cup 2011, so it’s entirely appropriate that the project’s first bit of formal business is held on 9 September (the same day RWC launches). In the morning, a powhiri takes place at Orakei Marae to welcome Royston Maldoom. The British Council, one of the project funders, and Carwyn Jones, the First Minister of Wales, will also be attending, along with invited guests.

Sacre Blog
• Keep up to date with news surrounding Sacre by visiting our new blog. Feel free to add news or images by sending content to HelenS@apo.co.nz, with ‘Sacre blog’ in the subject line. You can also view rehearsal images on the APO’s website.

T-Shirt Designs
• Marama Lloydd, known to many of you as Tracey Lloyd, designer extraordinaire for MOA and other dance projects, has finished designing t-shirts for Sacre. They look fantastic and have been sent to Royston Maldoom for comment. 

Upcoming Events
Music workshop at Pakuranga Intermediate
• Music workshop at Tangaroa College
Both workshops are led by the APO’s Lee Martelli and trumpet player Nick Hall, with longtime APO collaborator Fraser Bruce from Living Rhythm.
Purchase tickets from THE EDGE
Prices: Adults/Senior: $45 $35, $25
Child/Student/Community Service Card holders: $30, $20, $10

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