Thursday 11 August 2011

Welcome to the blog of Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project

Sacre is a collaboration between the education, community and professional arts sectors, and featuring more than 150 young dancers from north, south, east and west Auckland, drawn from schools ranging from deciles one to 10.

Many of these young people have never danced before.

For the last few months the dancers have been involved in workshops with three of New Zealand’s leading choreographers: Ann Dewey, Moss Patterson and Tai Royal.

In September this impressive trio will be joined by international choreographer and artistic director of Sacre, Royston Maldoom

All this hard work comes to a head at Auckland’s Aotea Centre on 14 October, with a performance of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, performed live with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra under its music director, Eckehard Stier

For more information, visit the APO website

Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project is a collaboration between Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and the REAL New Zealand Festival with additional support from the British Council, NZ Lottery Grants Board and the ASB Community Trust.

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