Tuesday 18 October 2011

It's a wrap!

Welcome to your final weekly update for
Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project
Proudly part of the REAL New Zealand Festival
For more information about the project, visit the APO website.

It’s a wrap!
Image: Adrian Malloch
It’s hard to believe that the three-year odyssey of Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project has come to an end.

Te Pou Whakairo, the kapa haka group from Ngati Whatua o Orakei, kicked off the night, setting the tone for an exciting evening.

Part 1 of Gareth Farr’s drum-fest From the Depths Sound the Great Sea Gongs was perfect for the occasion, with the APO’s percussion section on fire.

And the orchestra was on top form for the main event, too, Music Director Eckehard Stier bringing out both the savagery and subtlety of The Rite of Spring.

Dancers responded to the energy of the musicians, displaying commitment and focus from the moment the audience laid eyes on the opening scene, a human waka formed from the dancers. This drama continued until the last note of music.

Movement was dynamic and impressive as the dancers seamlessly created new images and formations - no easy feat with 190 on stage. Spotted among the sea of students were several promising young dancers who we would love to see back on stage in the future.

That could happen. Barbara Glaser, the APO’s Chief Executive, says: “Sacre was a testament to the talent of these young Aucklanders, and the bond created between them and the APO will last into the future. We intend to stay in contact with as many of those involved in Sacre as possible. Who knows what may come of it in the future?”  

We’ll leave the last word to William Dart, who reviewed Sacre for nzherald.co.nz: “Royston Maldoom and this project will leave their legacy on all who took part in it. Its impact will extend well beyond those 30 or so minutes in the Aotea Centre, so breathtakingly delivered that one regrets this was its only public performance.”

Be sure to visit the Sacre blog for reviews, documentaries, articles and everything else surrounding Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project over the past week.

A big thank you
Sacre: The Auckland Dance Project has truly been an Auckland project, with professional involvement and volunteer support from a huge number of people.  We would like to acknowledge:

Royston Maldoom
Choreographer and Artistic Director

Eckehard Stier
Music Director

Volker Eisenach
Moss Patterson
Taiaroa Royal
Ann Dewey
Megan Adams
Choreographic Team

Dancers from:
University of Auckland Dance Studies Programme
Associate Professor
Ralph Buck
    Head of Dance Studies

Kristin School
    Teresa Lauago
    Curriculum Manager Dance
    Peter Clague
    Executive Principal

Mt Albert Grammar School
    Jacqui Cesan
    Dance Teacher
    Dale Burden

Tangaroa College
    David Riley
Teacher in Charge of Performing Arts
Ngaire Ashmore

Pakuranga Intermediate
    Jessica Taylor
    Organising Teacher
    Stuart Myers

Hay Park Primary School
    Connie Igasan
    Organising Teacher
    Margaret Aikman

New Lynn Primary School
    Lisa Pickles
    Organising Teacher
    Greg Roebuck

Sally Markham

Marama Lloydd
Costume design and production

Vanda Karolczak
Lighting Design

Natasha Pearce
Project Coordinator

Kendra Oxley
Edda Wiese
APO Interns

Fraser Bruce (drums)
Nick Hill (trumpet)
Workshop Musicians

We would particularly like to acknowledge the support of:

Royal New Zealand Ballet, for provision of dance floor

Richard Jeffery CEO TelstraClear Pacific, for venue and other support

Ralph Buck University of Auckland, for rehearsal space

All participating schools, for support with student participation and transport

Atamira Dance Company for additional costumes

Vicki Slow, for blue cloth

The orchestra and APO staff

We are especially grateful for special funding for this project from:

Real New Zealand Festival
ASB Community Trust
British Council
NZ Lottery Grants Board

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